A Random Q&A on Sex and Relationships: How to Choose a Sexual Partner, Size vs. Skill in Bed, Cheating, Etc.
In this Q&A, I answer questions on getting to know someone and choosing whether they are the right fit for you both as a partner and as a sexual partner.
In this Q&A, I answer questions on getting to know someone and choosing whether they are the right fit for you both as a partner and as a sexual partner. I also answer questions on size vs. skill in bed, cheating, and much more.
These questions came up as I was talking to two ladies about matters relationships and they were keen to ask me a few questions, some of which I’ll answer below as I answered them. I also asked them a few questions of my own, whose answers you can read below. Let’s get into it:
The Interview
Q: As a guy, how do you know when you love someone?
A: The best way to tell is when you care a lot about them, their wellbeing, and are protective of them. A good example is when both of you are out and it’s cold. If it’s a no-brainer for you to give them your coat even before they say they feel cold, then it’s a sign that you care and probably love them. Personally, I will always groom someone I love literally, like help her tie the back zip of her dress or wipe something off her face and the like.
Q: Between a physically beautiful woman who is always bothering you and a not-so-physically-beautiful woman who gives you peace, who’d you pick? What is your choice between a smooth and a tumultuous relationship?
A: I’d always go for peace and a smooth relationship over a tumultuous and non-peaceful one. Physical beauty is irrelevant as compared to how well both of you get along and relate. At the end of the day, you wanna date someone who’ll give you peace and thus have the opportunity to enjoy your relationship.
Comment: The ladies were keen to point out that no relationship is smooth sailing through out and if it is, then that could be a sign that their partner is cheating. My view is yes I want a smooth relationship even though I do not agree that if it is always smooth then someone is cheating. I, however, agree and recognize that no relationship can be smooth sailing all the time. At least normal ones aren’t. I was also keen to point out that peace gives you the chance to have a relationship that you can actually enjoy and enjoy the time you are with your partner also.
Q: Why do men cheat?
A: Men mostly cheat because they are getting something elsewhere that they cannot get or will not be given by their partners. Maybe the other lady is more emotionally supportive and the man will go and cheat with that woman just to get that emotional support.
Men also cheat by accident. Sometimes we are seduced by women or other times we are caught up in a situation where we’re too tempted to resist. Sometimes ladies will lay sex traps for men that most of us will find it hard to resist.
Comment: The ladies were obviously skeptical about the second part of my answer. They said that if men cheat by accident then women also cheat by accident. But I argued that a woman cheats only when she’s been sort of forced to, i.e. when she cannot truly get what she wants from her relationship, pushing her to find it elsewhere.
Read more on whether men are naturally cheats below.
Q: How would you feel if your girlfriend cheated on you?
A: I would be stupid mad and probably go into a drunken stupor. In my opinion, it is better if she told me that she wanted to explore something with someone else. If she’d tell me that honestly, then I would consider giving her the permission to go do so but while I also did something similar myself. Sometimes it is good to have a certain level of sexual freedom in a relationship.
Comment: The ladies asked what I would do if she went and got drunk to a pulp then came home in that state. I told them that I’d find a car washing machine, take her to the car park and give her a cold water wash to sober her up. They were obviously very opposing to that. But my point was, I’d be very angry with her.
Q: How should a lady tell her guy if there’s something she wants in bed but she’s not getting? The ladies said they were worried how their loved ones would view them if they spoke out.
A: The best way to express your sexual wants and desire is to communicate. Your partner is no angel and it is upon you to let them know what you like during sex. I argued that at that moment when they’re in bed, the guy isn’t worried about her character but more about the both of them experiencing sexual pleasure. I’ve recently explored a few ways to get what you like during sex, so be sure to check them out. They delve deep into this question and I give a full post of answers.
Comment: I told the ladies that every woman has their own specific G-spot or point of pleasure and therefore, it is their responsibility to let their sexual partners know what and where this point is and how to handle it for their (the ladies’) maximum pleasure.
Q: Would you go for a long-distance relationship?
A: No. Because for me, it is just making yourself suffer for no reason. I wouldn’t be able to see the person I love as often as possible and in my opinion, there’s no need to put yourself through that kind of pain.
Comment: The ladies were taken aback by my response to this question but I explained that out of experience, I would much rather not be in a long-distance relationship. They asked if I would go for it if my partner or I was away due to work and I told them that I would find a way for both of us be at the same place even if it meant one of us had to move closer to the other and switch jobs.
Q: How often would you like to see your partner?
A: As often as possible and at least once a week.
Comment: I asked the ladies to clarify on what they meant by see your partner and they explained that they meant a sexual encounter or something like a sleepover where sex happens. My answer remained the same.
Q: Does a woman having a big butt and big boobs matter to you?
A: Yes, but it is not everything. My analogy for looking at this is, you have vehicles for carrying luggage and others to go to church, i.e some women are like lorries and have huge butts and boobs but those are just for pleasure and not like someone who you wanna love and be in a relationship with, represented by a good saloon car that you can take to church.
Interviewing their Interviewers
I also asked the ladies a few questions of my own:
Q: Between someone with game in the bed and someone who has money, who’d you pick?
A: One of the ladies chose money and the other chose game. I asked them to define what ‘game’ is and they clarified that it means being good in bed. I argued that sometimes, it is better to go for game because one’s monetary situation could always change for the better.
Q: Between game and a big size schlong, what would you pick?
A: One lady said game and the other chose a big schlong. The thinking of the first lady was that a big schlong could end up hurting them or being too troublesome in the act and even as a small schlong isn’t ideal, it is not as jarring as a huge one. The second lady said that for her, there’s no compromise when it comes to schlong size because she thinks game can be taught.
Comment: I think it’s true that game can be taught but on the other hand, schlong size shouldn’t be an issue if it’s not too small or too big. Biologically speaking, a woman needs only to have the walls of her vagina rubbed to experience pleasure. Therefore, instead of thinking of schlong size in terms of length, I think width is more important as a bigger width will help it rub against the walls of the vagina more intensely, producing more pleasure.
Q: Between a broke man who’s got game and is good in bed and one who’s got money and is terrible in bed, who’d you pick?
A: One lady replied that they’d pick the one who’s good in bed as they could both work to get more money. The other lady was adamant that to her, money is more important.
Comment: The ladies also revealed that for them, this is a tricky one as if you went for money, you’d easily be likely to cheat with the other guy who is broke but good in bed, and vice versa. Both ladies agreed that cheating is bad but it would likely happen in such a situation.
Thank you for reading. Please let us know what you think, what your answers would be to some of the questions, and whether you’d like us to do more Q&As of this nature in the future.